Whenever game-changing technology is introduced, wherever unchartered technical territory is explored, “what if” questions and comparisons with conventional technology are the rule and not an exception. In our information sessions and talks with industry colleagues about Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems, or WMAS for short, we found “redundancy” to be a topic of particular interest.
Now showing
Redundancy in Sennheiser’s Adaption of WMAS Technology
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Redundancy in Sennheiser’s Adaption of WMAS Technology
Redundancy in Sennheiser’s Adaption of WMAS Technology
Whenever game-changing technology is introduced, wherever unchartered technical territory is explored, “what if” questions and comparisons with conventional technology are the rule and not an exception. In our information sessions and talks with industry colleagues about Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems, or WMAS for short, we found “redundancy” to be a topic of particular interest.Redundancy in Sennheiser’s Adaption of WMAS Technology1 / 5WMAS 专家访谈
Andreas Wilzeck 博士、Martin Brandenburg,以及身为无线多通道音频系统 (WMAS) 发明者的两位研发工程师 Sebastian Georgi 博士和 Jan Watermann 深入介绍了这项技术的优势,并解释了它将如何改变无线环境。
WMAS 专家访谈2 / 5频率协调员访谈
身为自由职业者的频率协调员 Marco Völzke 和森海塞尔技术应用工程师 Jonas Naesby(同时也是一家频率协调公司所有者),与森海塞尔 WMAS 的发明者们一起,对原型机进行了测试。
频率协调员访谈3 / 5Technical Paper: The birth of WMAS — How Sennheiser brought wideband technology into the wireless game
With Spectera, Sennheiser has unveiled the world’s first bidirectional wideband wireless ecosystem, which is based on the company’s research into WMAS, Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems. Spectera represents a significant advancement in wireless audio technology, offering superior spectrum efficiency, flexibility, and performance compared to conventional systems. I
Technical Paper: The birth of WMAS — How Sennheiser brought wideband technology into the wireless game4 / 5WMAS development prototype rocks during World Radio Conference
Sennheiser sponsors live audio technology at the U.S. reception.
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