
Atola Visuals

Smiling woman sitting in a modern, plant-filled room with warm lighting.
Season 4

There’s a story behind every song, every artist, and every audio professional. The award-winning Pro Talk Series is an exploration of those stories, diving deep into the worlds of audio engineers, musicians, and filmmakers to learn about where they came from and what it took to get where they are today.

Building upon her experience as a freelancer, Kitty Marie founded Atola Visuals as a space to share her creative light and to attract the light of others. In our era of non-traditional marketing, Atola Visuals helps clients engage their audience with fresh and engaging content tailored for social media. Join us in this Pro Talk session to hear about Kitty’s artistic background, 4 AM surges of inspiration, how she finds her flow state on set, and how she grew Atola Visuals from a one-woman show into a thriving creative space.





