动态范围保证了声音的完美均衡 - 无论是低音还是高音。AVX 与摄像头的输入灵敏度完美匹配。无需手动调整话筒的音频水平。
森海塞尔的 AVX 是捕捉视频声音最轻松的无线方式。每个摄像师的首选产品。
Sometimes videographers have to travel to the most remote locations. In our film the videograph Steve is heading off to a small village to lift the secret of a legendary Oracle: It awakes only once every ten years to predict the future. Legend has it that it foresaw the discovery of America, the first landing on the moon and the invention of the massage cushion. But no one seems to know how old it is.
Will Steve be there when it awakes after 10 long years? What will The Oracle predict? And will Steve be able to capture this critical moment perfectly in sound and vision? This film gives all the answers.
摄像师的工作并不轻松:作为没有录音师的独角戏,他必须确保视频和音频录制始终完美。新款 Sennheiser AVX 立即减轻了他的工作量:插入后,Sennheiser AVX 会立即将音频部分从待办事项列表中剔除。从现在起,视频摄影师可以完全信赖完美的声音,并专注于他们真正想要关注的方面:拍摄精彩的画面。