Whenever game-changing technology is introduced, wherever unchartered technical territory is explored, “what if” questions and comparisons with conventional technology are the rule and not an exception. In our information sessions and talks with industry colleagues about Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems, or WMAS for short, we found “redundancy” to be a topic of particular interest.

The world's first wideband, bidirectional wireless ecosystem

凭借宽带音频传输功能,无线多通道音频系统 (WMAS) 可在现场演出活动以及剧院和广播设备固定安装应用中为数字无线麦克风和数字耳返监听系统带来令人振奋的应用体验。
森海塞尔推出的 WMAS 堪称无线音频领域的颠覆性产品;该系统采用了双工腰包式收发器,以及最多可处理 32 个输入和 32 个输出信号的紧凑型中央处理单元,可轻松实现系统与传输范围的扩展、简化频谱工作流程以及频率复用功能。
请浏览下方的访谈文章和技术白皮书,以了解有关 WMAS 技术的详细情况;同时请订阅 WMAS 新闻简报,以获取各类全新出炉的文章。请注意,该订阅采用了双重确认方式——确认订阅后,您将收到我们发送的一封电子邮件,其中包含了需要您点击确认的链接。
Technical Paper: Insights into Frequency Coordination of Broadband Wireless Multi-Channel Audio Systems (WMAS) and Narrowband Wireless Equipment
In his technical paper, Sennheiser’s Dr. Andreas Wilzeck gives more details about WMAS technology as he explains the co-existence of broadband and narrowband systems.