
TI e softwareDesenvolvendo o futuro do áudio.

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Como parte de nossa equipe de TI e software, você ajudará a liderar a mudança para um negócio voltado para o ecossistema e com mentalidade digital. Você dominará a combinação de hardware, software e serviços de novas maneiras. E ajudará a criar experiências prazerosas e holísticas para nossos clientes.

Transformando a tecnologia de áudio juntos.

Os especialistas em TI e desenvolvedores de software da Sennheiser fazem o futuro do som acontecer. Tudo ganha vida dentro de uma cultura de inovação que amplia os limites, libera o potencial e realiza a ambição. Diariamente. Descubra a oportunidade certa para você em nossa comunidade de talentos de TI e software:

  • Desenvolvimento de software
  • Programação de software
  • Análise de software
  • Testes de software
  • Web design
  • Engenharia de software
  • Engenharia de software integrada

Candidatar-se agora

What is your role at Sennheiser?

What is your role at Sennheiser?

As a holder of a PhD in Electrical Engineering, I am currently employed as a Research Engineer within R&D at Sennheiser, based at our headquarters in Wedemark, Germany, near Hanover. Our team's role is to assess the potential of emerging technologies for their potential application in Sennheiser's product lines, with my particular expertise lying in wired and wireless transmission technologies. A key aspect of our work is the creation of prototypes, demonstrators, and proof-of-concepts to test the feasibility and desirability of innovative ideas.

What drives you professionally?

What drives you professionally?

Generally, I am driven by my passion for discovering and understanding new things on all kinds of abstraction levels, from smallest technical detail to world-spanning cloud architectures. And I love doing that together with colleagues. In my experience, best ideas are almost always the result of joint reflection by clever people.

What fascinates you about the products, the industry?

What fascinates you about the products, the industry?

I have always been a music enthusiast. I spend a lot of my time on listening to music, while always trying to discover new sounds. For me, an important element of that is live music. I love going to concerts, for which Hanover is a great location since we have a very active music scene, with many diverse clubs from smallest cellars to stadiums. Technology is an important factor in music production, whether live or offline. How cool is that, to see an international artist use our products?

What does "Future of Audio" mean to you?

What does "Future of Audio" mean to you?

The Future of Audio gets right to the heart of my job as a research engineer. Our team is actively involved in developing technologies, tools and workflows that musicians might use in 5 to 10 years. This is particularly exciting, as we need to have exceptional understanding of today's audio productions, in order to work towards an uncertain future.

Experimente um mundo de oportunidadesLocais para cargos na área de TI e software.