
제품 및 마케팅오디오의 미래를 창출하다.

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Sennheiser의 제품과 기술을 사랑하는 이들로 구성된 브랜드 및 홍보 전문가 팀에서 성공을 꿈꾸어 보십시오. 중요한 점은, 글로벌 브랜드인 Sennheiser와 함께 성장할 흥미로운 기회라는 점입니다.

Sennheiser의 혁신을 한 데 모으다

Sennheiser에서 경력을 쌓을 기회는 Sennheiser 직원 수만큼이나 다양합니다. 하지만 우리는 모두 최고의 오디오 경험을 만들겠다는 공통의 열정으로 하나가 됩니다. 고객 중심의 사고 방식을 통해 혁신을 탐험하고 꿈을 실현할 수 있는 자유를 제공합니다. Sennheiser에서 여러분은 성공의 주인이니까요. 제품 및 마케팅 인재 커뮤니티에서 적합한 기회를 찾아보세요.

  • 제품 관리자
  • 전략적 동맹 관리자
  • 포트폴리오 관리
  • 글로벌 브랜드 전략
  • 카테고리 관리자
  • PR 관리자
  • 프로젝트 관리자
  • 제품 마케팅
  • 디지털 마케팅
  • 캠페인 및 미디어 관리자
  • 카테고리 관리자

지금 신청하세요

What is your role at Sennheiser?

What is your role at Sennheiser?

I am the Trade Marketing Manager for the Americas, currently based in Montreal, Canada, I oversee the trade and shopper marketing activities in the American continent. With the support of the team, we manage tradeshows and events in the region as well as partnership marketing with our most important accounts.

What drives you professionally?

What drives you professionally?

Every day, I have the chance to collaborate with a global team, sharing ideas with colleagues from all over the world. Despite the distance, I feel a strong sense of connection and belonging within our team, which I truly value. At Sennheiser, I've also had the opportunity to develop my own ideas and lead a team of talented professionals to bring them to life.  

What fascinates you about the products, the industry?

What fascinates you about the products, the industry?

This job has allowed me to immerse myself in an industry I'm truly passionate about—the world of entertainment and music.

Seeing our microphones on major stages, used by world-class artists, or featured in TV shows and movies, is both exciting and empowering. It’s incredible to witness the impact our products have had across live shows, theatre, film, broadcast, and beyond.  

What do you associate with words like together or passionate in a work context?

What do you associate with words like together or passionate in a work context?

Passion in our work drives our commitment to our clients, the industry, and our contribution to the world of audio. Every time we attend or host an event, our goal is to create a memorable experience for our clients, leaving a lasting impression.

It’s also inspiring to start each day preparing for a call with a colleague on the other side of the world, realizing we’re both focused on the same goals. This sense of togetherness makes the work even more fulfilling.  

What does "Future of Audio" mean to you?

What does "Future of Audio" mean to you?

Sennheiser and Neumann have been integral to the world of audio history since the beginning, consistently providing state-of-the-art technology and high-quality service to the industry. This dedication prepares us to remain a vital part of the future taking shape before us. With a clear focus on evolving audiences and market needs, Sennheiser is poised to continue being a key player in the future of audio.  

What does "Future of Audio is colorful" mean to you?

What does "Future of Audio is colorful" mean to you?

The phrase 'The future of audio is colorful' to me suggests that the future of audio is vibrant, diverse, and inclusive. To me, it means embracing a wide range of voices, cultures, and experiences and creating audio solutions that reflect the unique needs and creativity of different communities. It’s about innovation that caters to various listening environments, artistic expressions, and technological advancements, ensuring that everyone finds a place and voice in the audio landscape.  

기회의 세계를 경험하세요제품 및 마케팅 포지션의 근무 위치