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Apply nowSennheiser は、お客様、会社、そしてあなたにとって、チャンスを実現するための素晴らしい場所です。私たちは、未来志向の職場環境、強力なプレミアムブランド、高品質の製品で、あなたの成功をサポートします。

世界的に認知された重要なブランドでキャリアを築き、Sennheiser を大胆な未来へと導く。あなたの楽観主義、創造性、共感力を発揮して、私たちのブランドとあなたの意欲にインパクトを与える。そして、個人の成長とビジネスの成功が両立する空間であなたの潜在能力を開花させる。販売 & サービスタレントコミュニティで、あなたにぴったりのチャンスを見つける:
- 営業
- 重要顧客管理
- ブランドアドボケーツ
- グローバル E コマース
- 事業開発
“When asked, "Where do you work?" the response "Sennheiser" often brings a smile to the questioner”
Naveen, Sales & Service
What is your role at Sennheiser?
As the Sales Director for India in Business Communication, I lead a dedicated team that spans the diverse landscape of India, engaging with customers from government, education, and corporate sectors. What’s my role? Imagine a skilled cricket team of 13, where I am the captain steering the strategy, market approach, customer-centric initiatives, and keeping a pulse on market competition and customer needs.
We have a nice tradition: every Monday, our entire team gathers to share global news, celebrate successful projects like events or demos, and the lessons we've learned. This practice fosters transparency and strengthens our teamwork. Our setup in India operates with the agility of a startup, constantly innovating in customer demos, merchandising, customer support, and team collaboration. Perhaps, we are one of the most agile teams globally, adapting swiftly to ever-changing market demands.
What drives you professionally?
I cherish my role at Sennheiser, a place that nurtures entrepreneurial spirit and encourages creativity in local markets, all while adhering to global guidelines—truly a "Think Global, Act Local" mindset. This aligns seamlessly with one of our core beliefs: "We are all owners of our success."
In India, Sennheiser's products are synonymous with exceptional quality, complemented by a team of extraordinary people - a true winning combination. And, while many may tout the concept of a flat hierarchy, at Sennheiser, it's more than just talk - it's a leadership skill that's practiced genuinely and effectively, and it's commendable.
The challenges of our market compel us to innovate continuously and enhance our creativity, making the Indian Audiovisual (AV) industry a vibrant and enjoyable field to work in. Everyday interactions fill us with pride. When asked, "Where do you work?" the response "Sennheiser" often brings a smile to the questioner and reinforces my pride in being part of this organization.
What fascinates you about the products, the industry?
For me, what sets Sennheiser apart is the excellence of German engineering, ensuring robust quality with an almost NIL failure rate. Our unique offerings, such as “Tru Voicelift”, distinguish us from the competition. When pricing becomes the focal point, we leverage these advantages that our brand provides.
The Indian AV industry, though small, is tightly knit, where personal relationships play a crucial role—perhaps even more so than in other places. This close-knit community is where our commitment to quality and innovation thrives, building lasting bonds and driving success.
What do you associate with words like together in a work context?
At Sennheiser, “together” is deeply anchored in our the culture principles e.g. ensuring that we keep our customers at the center of everything we do. This principle drives us to create innovative events, develop unique merchandise, and produce compelling proof of concept and marketing campaigns, continuously reviewing their relevance over time.
Working at Sennheiser is truly refreshing. Having also worked here from 2009 to 2010, I can confidently say that the company's culture was and is strong and intact. The care and focus on employees extend beyond just business outcomes; it encompasses their overall well-being, making Sennheiser a remarkable place to work.
What does "Future of Audio" mean to you?
The future of audio is bright and promising, and at Sennheiser, we are dedicated to maintaining our status as the most preferred brand for audio solutions. We are committed to this goal at all levels. Each action we take reflects our focus on both our customers and our colleagues.
I don't see my work as just a job, but approach it with passion and enthusiasm. I believe that this mindset fosters a culture of innovation that sets us apart in the AV industry, making our contributions truly stand out. At Sennheiser, we strive to create extraordinary experiences and solutions, driven by our collective dedication.
What does "Future of Audio is colorful" mean to you?
Colors play a vital role in our daily lives, embodying the emotions that shape our experiences. At Sennheiser, “Colorful” symbolizes for me the mixture of innovative products, people, efficient processes, leadership, and unwavering customer focus. These diverse "colors" make Sennheiser truly unique.
Furthermore diversity fosters collaboration, encourages us to learn new things, and helps us embrace different perspectives, which can be game-changers. I see Sennheiser making continuous efforts to promote diversity in every aspect of our business, ensuring that we remain a vibrant, inclusive, and forward-thinking organization.