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Sennheiser AVX wireless microphone system on a wooden table with a cloth.


Relax, it's an AVX


Sennheiser' AVX is the wireless and most relaxed way of capturing video sound. The number one choice for every videographer.

Perfect sound you can rely on

The job of a videographer is no cakewalk: As one-man-show without sound recordist he has to make sure, that both – video and audio are always perfectly captured. The new Sennheiser AVX lightens his workload immediately: Once plugged in it instantly takes away the audio part from the to-do-list. From now on videographers can simply rely on perfect sound – and concentrate on what they really love to care about: to film great pictures.

Perfect sound you can rely on

The Oracle

Sometimes videographers have to travel to the most remote locations. In our film the videograph Steve is heading off to a small village to lift the secret of a legendary Oracle: It awakes only once every ten years to predict the future. Legend has it that it foresaw the discovery of America, the first landing on the moon and the invention of the massage cushion. But no one seems to know how old it is.

Will Steve be there when it awakes after 10 long years? What will The Oracle predict? And will Steve be able to capture this critical moment perfectly in sound and vision? This film gives all the answers.