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Stage lights and spotlights at a concert.

Artist SpotlightNoturnall

Sun Dec 05 2021

This is the name of this new group with less than five years of “life” and it's already considered by audience and media as one of the most important bands of the vast Brazilian Heavy Metal’s history. Formed in 2014 by the so called "legends of the World's Metal Scene", NOTURNALL had in its line-up famous names from bands like Adrenaline Mob, Angra, Shaman and Project 46. The team is now formed by the musicians, Thiago Bianchi (vocals), Mike Orlando (guitars), Junior Carelli (keys), Henrique Pucci (drums) and Saulo Xakol (Bass); and in its already big "Hall of Achievements", NOTURNALL brings lots of impressive numbers and very well "printed" marks, such as the band that was elected by the Brazilian media as one of the most important Brazilian's concerts in Rock IN Rio's history, special guests on theirs concerts and records, names of the caliber of James Labrie (Dream Theater), Michael Kiske (Halloween), Russell Allen (Symphony X/Adrenaline Mob), the band who've invented a new way of comercialize music with their "DLP" (Digital Long Play), between many, many other conquests... Now they're one of the few names of this selected group who've integrates SENNHEISER FAMILY!