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Hands setting up Sennheiser wireless microphone systems in a theater.

Digital 6000

Wireless technology for the next generation. And for professionals who have less and less leeway

No intermodulation. More channels. More performance for your business.

Digital 6000 opens up new leeway and sets new standards. The system has intermodulation-free operation with an equidistant frequency grid, allowing reliable incorporation of transmission paths even in overcrowded or very narrow frequency ranges. The legendary long-range mode (LR mode) guarantees unrivalled quality. The new Link Density mode (LD mode) doubles the number of possible channels.

The range’s own transmitters are designed for any application on stages or in the field of broadcasting. There is a choice of the bodypack SK 6000, the mini-bodypack SK 6212 and the handheld transmitter SKM 6000. Over and above this, the series is compatible with the Digital 9000 series and the camera receiver EK 6042 (LR mode only).

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