Luis Marcelino
Our team is developing a solution to improve the audio experience for overall users but with a special focus for those with mild and moderate hearing loss or for the environments where perception is more difficult (e.g. noisy environments).
Our Augmented Audio solution is an app that can assist voice and sound perception and give users “enhanced hearing” and the ability to listen to the sounds that matter to them. It could be a (really) private conversation or a public speech on a noisy environment. This technology can be a real game changer as users can take advantage of the computational power available in their pockets to improve their hearing capabilities.
The Sennheiser program is a perfect match for our goals as one of the leading headset creators seeks innovators on real time and real-world audio processing. Sennheiser & Evollu will change the way we all listen and communicate.
Evollu team picture: from left to right CTO Luis Marcelino; CEO Sergio; Chief Audiologist Vitor Jesus.