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Protecting climate.Committing to fewer emissions and a smaller CO2 footprint.

Climate change is real. Protecting the climate is a top priority for our society. We are contributing by setting clear reduction targets, particularly with our ecological footprint.

We will avoid and significantly reduce our GHG emissions by 2030.

We launched our climate protection strategy by gaining an understanding of our various emission sources. We then categorized them into Scope 1-3 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. This, in turn, allows us to assign clearly defined and measurable reduction targets across all categories.

Man installing solar panels on a rooftop in a sunny environment.

Efficient energy consumption

We already use modern technologies to save energy. This includes thermal recovery systems in our production buildings and an ice storage system to automatically regulate the room temperature at our Innovation Campus. In the future, we will expand even further. For example, we are installing photovoltaic systems on the roof of the buildings at our main location in Wedemark near Hanover and have just signed a contract for green cooling that will help us significantly reduce our footprint, Germany, and our production site in Braşov, Romania.

Reducing travel and commute

We have also adapted our guidelines with regard to business travel and office commute – as a strong and directly influencable emissions driver per se – to our reduction targets. By limiting air travel and using public transportation, we can significantly reduce our CO2 footprint every day. A job-bike offer is also available at our main location.

Categorizing our carbon footprint

The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard categorizes greenhouse gas emissions associated with a company's corporate carbon footprint as Scope 1-3 emissions.

Now showing

Scope 1

This scope concerns emissions from sources for which companies are directly responsible. These include emissions from energy sources, such as natural gas, fuels, coolants, etc., as well as from the company's own vehicle fleet.

Sennheiser electric delivery truck parked outside production hall.
  • Scope 1

    This scope concerns emissions from sources for which companies are directly responsible. These include emissions from energy sources, such as natural gas, fuels, coolants, etc., as well as from the company's own vehicle fleet.

    Sennheiser electric delivery truck parked outside production hall.
  • Scope 2

    This scope comprises indirect greenhouse gas emissions from purchased energy, such as those from the use of electricity, steam, district heating or cooling generated outside the company's own system boundaries. 

    Solar panels in a large field under a clear blue sky.
  • Scope 3

    Lastly, scope 3 concerns all indirect emissions that occur along the value chain, including, for example, emissions caused by the production and transport of purchased goods, as well as the disposal of waste or business travel.

    Aerial view of a large cargo ship transporting containers across the ocean.

More about our other focus topics