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Info Session

Learn all about Voicelift Technology!

What to expect

During this course we will tell you everything about VoiceLift Technology, combined with testing and listening. 
We start the day with the theory behind VoiceLift and audio fundamentals, whereafter we dive into the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling Microphones. Learn about our unique technology, get to know the ins and outs and play with the microphone and configuration. 
We will continue with a VoiceLift practice session. What is VoiceLift and what are 
important parameters to keep on top of mind. What are the specific use cases. You learn more about calculate a VoiceLift system to see if it theoretically performs as expected. 
This course suits you perfect, when your role is:
  • Facility or AV Manager
  • Technical Advisor / Consultant 

We will cover topics such as

  • Decibel
  • Speech Intelligibility
  • PAG / NAG
  • Focalisation
  • Mix-Minus
  • TruVoiceLift
  • Sennheiser Control Cockpit
  • and more 

Practice Session

In the afternoon we have practice sessions and will discuss use cases. Together analyse and test VoiceLift systems in the training room, from more straightforward systems to complex systems. 

Signal Processing

To implement VoiceLift systems you use digital signal processing. We will discuss the main requirements and important parameters.
You get good insights, and tips and tricks on how VoiceLift Systems can help you in your daily job, how you can benefit from this technology. You understand the signal chain, and how to interpret matrixes. 

Date + Time

Course Details
20 June 2024
Erasmus University
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam


9.30 —  Walk-in - Coffee 
We start the day with some fresh coffee 
10.00 —  Introduction to VoiceLift 
What is VoiceLift? When do you need it? 
10.30 —  TeamConnect Ceiling microphones 
The microphone is an essential component in your system. What are the unique features of our mics? See the microphone in action. 
11.30 —  Audio fundamentals 
What is a Decibel? PAG / NAG. Speech Intelligibility. Focalisation. Mix-minus and more. 
13.00 —  Lunch 
Good food serves good ideas. 
13.45 —  Practice Session 1 
Let’s analyze a typical VoiceLift Application 
14.30 —  Coffee & Tea 
A brief recharge 
14.45 —  Practice Session 2 
Let’s look at some use cases 
16.00 —  Wrap Up 


Sign up can be done here. We have approximately 25 spots available.
We hope to see you, 
Kind Regards,
Ivar Groenendijk
AV, Networking & Education Manager
Martin de Boer
Technical Application Engineer